CBN Wheel 14A1-70x7/5x17,5

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Gross price: €128.00
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Type: 14A1-70x7/5x17,5 CBN

this is a special CBN grinding wheel ( borazon grinding stone ) for grinding and sharpening circular bell knives for skiving and spliting machines.

D U X H  T   grain size
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]  [mm]   (FEPA)
70 5 3 17,5 (H7)
7   please select in the check box

The basic grain size:

please select the CBN grain size. 

CBN1 - standard grain size and medium hardness bond for effective sharpening

CBN2 - smaller grain size and medium/soft hardness bond for smooth sharpening


special resin bond matrix for skiving CBN wheels stones


We offer very wide range of CBN grinding wheel for precision grinding and sharpening of cutting discs in skiving and spliting machines. We produce CBN wheels with different CBN grains and bonds hardness to meet demanding sharpening blades different manufacturers.

Please ask on e-mail:


this product meets the safety standard EN13236.   

Phone: +48 32 441 69 90



The company DIAMOS manufacture and supply very good quality superabrasive wheels, replacement wheels and customized grinding wheels for grinding and sharpening with our brand DIAMOS. The all superabrasive grinding diamond and CBN wheels are engineered and manufactured according to DIAMOS’ technology to be interchangeable with other products and are not OEM parts. The names of the original equipment manufacturers reffered to on this site are all registered trademarks of their respective companies.



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